An Interactive Experience
Impactful Professional Development

Empowering Children through an Inquiry-Based Curriculum
Getting "LIT" for LITeracy : Promoting Early Literacy
Learning High Quality Teachers in High Quality Environments
Fostering a Culturally Responsive Trauma-Informed Curriculum
Integrating Music with Intentionality
Fostering Young Leaders Across the Curriculum
Cultivating Excellence through Hip Hop Play
Supporting Learners through Authentic Assessment
Promoting Child Growth & Development
Rethinking "Challenging" Behavior
The Power of Music and Movement
Promoting Health and Safety in Schools
Fostering Social Emotional Learning through Intentional Teaching
Cultivating Learners through STEAM Instruction
Integrating the Arts Across the Curriculum
Effective Team-Building and Communication
Effective Strategic Planning & Development
and much more
Having earned a Ph.D. in Early Childhood Education and a Masters of Education in Divergent Learning, Dr. Broughton is best poised to support your professional development needs through a wide-array of diverse topics.